About the Capacity Building Program
Our vision for communities that are more equitable, livable, and vibrant becomes real through the hard work of non-profit organizations. They step up to understand the needs, build relationships, and lift up marginalized populations.
Through our Capacity Building grants, we’re asking the question: “How can we better step up for them?”
Our Capacity Building grants stand out among funders’ approaches to operational support. The Campbell Foundation knows that many of the organizations we fund prioritize program work over paying for practical needs like up-to-date computers, professional development, and training in equity and inclusion. This program fills in gaps that other funders exclude and presents new ways for us to understand operations beyond a budget statement.
We offer our current grantees these funding opportunities to build trust as partners, and we are proud to help organizations with the resources they tell us they need to run efficiently and equitably.
Types of Capacity Building Grants
Existing grantees are eligible for Capacity Building grants, with smaller-budget organizations in our current portfolio getting priority. You can explore examples of opportunities offered by the Foundation below.
Professional Development
Recognizing the value of training and continuous learning amongst staff at nonprofits, we invite select grantees to apply for grants to support eligible professional development activities such as conferences and trainings.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ)
Given the critical roles diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) play in organizational success, we are proud to offer grant funding to support DEIJ initiatives within eligible organizations. This grant helps support DEIJ-focused training for board members and staff, as well as assessments and implementation planning to help organizations improve DEIJ.
Tech Assessment
Eligible organizations that complete a Tech Assessment may be invited to apply for a Tech Capacity Building grant or participate in a Tech Deep Dive.
The results of the Tech Assessment helps the organization to understand which tech areas, both in great detail and holistically, they need support for. It allows the Foundation to focus on organizations with the most need.
Tech Capacity Building
Once a Tech Assessment has been completed, organizations may be invited to apply for a Tech Capacity Building grant. A Tech Capacity Building grant may be used to do things such as update tools, technology, and training to streamline operations, improve security, or optimize communication with supporters and stakeholders.
Tech Deep Dive
If the Tech Assessment reveals that an organization is in need of deeper support for technology, the organization may be invited to apply for a Tech Deep Dive. Our Tech Deep Dive program is a rich and meaningful funding opportunity to enlist a consultant for the creation of a Technology Plan. It also includes the creation of a Tech Committee of Board and Staff to help drive technology evolution at the organization. Having such a plan and committee will spur a deeper organizational shift towards thinking about technology comprehensively to help the organization achieve its mission more effectively.
Tax & Audit Prep
The expense for legally mandated tax and audit preparation can be burdensome to many of our grantees. That’s why we offer eligible recent grantees an opportunity to apply for this targeted grant to help cover tax and audit preparation expenses.
Nonprofit Compensation Report
As a service to our grantees, the Foundation has purchased licenses for the most recent Candid Nonprofit Compensation Report. Access to this report can help organizations ensure their executive leadership is appropriately compensated, and assess where they fall among similar organizations.
Office Beautification
Workspace improvements are often deprioritized in favor of mission-specific projects. However, a functional and satisfying work environment offers invaluable benefits to staff quality of life. Therefore we invite select grantees to apply for a grant to help cover eligible expenses associated with updating and improving office spaces.